Monthly Archive: April, 2014

The Feminist Mystique.


She drank twelve cups of Goon punch, and then passed out on the lawn in her underwear. She was acting like such a slut, I’m surprised more people didn’t rape her. Why bother… Continue reading

The Birds and the Bees: Let’s talk about sex education.


Trigger warning: Graphic discussion of sex and sexuality. The Heinemann Encyclopedia gave me my first insight into the mystery of ‘sex.’ I was a precocious eight year old, and read everything I could… Continue reading

The Monster under my Bed


I sometimes stay awake, gnawing at the edge of my pillow, on the dying skin that peels off my fingernails, on the ends of my hair. I’m trying to sleep, but I can’t… Continue reading

Exploring Race in Australia: ‘All Asians look the same.’


There’s an episode of the cringe-y show Two and a half men where Charlie Sheen’s character is trying to pick up these two Asian women. But because they’re sooo identical, he sneakily uses… Continue reading